About Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates
The Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates is a non-profit, all volunteer official park partner with no paid staff. IRS form 990 is available upon request. Our volunteer efforts highlight our primary purpose—“to bring together people interested in the proper care, protection, management and preservation of Glacier National Park.”
Operational Overview of Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates
- GNPVA is a non-profit all--volunteer organization established in 1989 at the suggestion of Gil Lusk, the Superintendent of Glacier National Park.
- Purpose: The general purpose is to bring together persons interested in the proper care, protection, management, and preservation of Glacier national park; to educate the general public with the needs and purposes of the Park; to promote better communication with those administering the Park; and to collect dues and funds for the various projects, programs, goals and aims of Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates. In short, the Associates will be an Advocacy Group and/or Friends Group for Glacier National Park.
- Programs:
- Volunteer Day - in May. Annual membership meeting held in the park, adjourning to work on short term projects selected by park staff.
- Summer Volunteer Work Projects - May through October. Projects vary year to year depending on needs of the Park.
- Funding of Backcountry Ranger Intern - (since 1996) The internship is open to all college students majoring in Resource Management or related fields. Park personnel select the ranger intern and he/she is under the supervision of the rangers at the Walton Ranger Station. A request for member donations to the Ranger Intern Fund is sent out in early September, receipts go directly into our RIF account. GNPVA provides the salary for the intern.
- Taggart Schubert Memorial Fund - (since 1996) Taggart Schubert was a seasonal GNP employee who died in a climbing accident on Mt. Jackson. The Schubert family created a Memorial Fund because of Taggart's love for Glacier. The GNPVA signed an agreement with Richard Schubert (Taggart's father) in 1996 to manage this fund. The money is invested and $6,000.00 of the principle can be used annually for the salary of the Ranger Intern. Donations from GNPVA members (in the RIF) are used to make up the difference between the funds contributed and the intern’s salary.
- Winter Speaker Series - GNPVA arranges a winter speaker series free of charge to the public. Presentations are currently held on the fourth Monday evening in January, February and March. The series is held in the Northwest Montana History Museum in Kalispell. Topics pertain in some manner to history, activities, conditions, or issues related to the Park.
- Apgar Nature Center - GNPVA finances, coordinates and staffs the Apgar Nature Center in Apgar Village. Over half of the staff are GNPVA members.
- GNPVA Newsletter - Twice yearly we are using this to keep in touch with membership, more frequently if need arises.
- Hidden Lake / Oberlin Bend Goat Project - Members patrol the Hidden Lake Overlook and Oberlin Bend area to help diminish negative visitor/wildlife encounters.