Our Work
Our beloved park is over 100 years old. Many of the structures and much of the infrastructure dates back to those earlier times and are in constant need of maintenance and rehabilitation. GNPVA volunteers are always ready to aid park personnel as these projects are planned and then completed.

Please contact us if hands-on volunteerism is an interest you may have. The park will supply the paintbrushes! Whether the park asks us to paint, build, assemble, chink, install or even just clean-up, we are able to find volunteers to perform the task. Building the Red Rock Overlook, structural rehabilitation at Kelly Camp, painting the Ranger Cabin at Kintla Campground, cleaning-up the storm damage at the Belly River Ranger Station and constructing a kiosk for the Two Medicine area are just a few of the projects we have recently been involved with.
Work Projects

We are Glacier National Park's only all-volunteer, non-profit park partner.
The Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates is a non-profit, all volunteer official park partner with no paid staff. Our volunteer efforts highlight our primary purpose—“to bring together people interested in the proper care, protection, management and preservation of Glacier National Park.
Associate members contributed 5,952 volunteer hours in the park in 2023, which translates into over $165,882.00 in in-kind labor to the park. The Volunteer Associates have been making significant contributions to the park since 1989 and our programs and projects help to ensure that all of the visitors to Glacier National Park are able to fully enjoy their “wilderness” experience.
The GNPVA contributes funds and/or labor in the following areas:
- Visitor Center
- Transit Center
- Apgar Nature Center
- Native Plant Nursery
- Wilderness Permit Office
- Campground Hosts
- Wilderness Ranger Patrols
- River Patrols
- Bike Patrol
- Hidden Lake Overlook Goat Patrol Project
- VIP Uniform Preparation
- Wilderness Ranger Intern
- Hawkwatch Project
- Citizen Science Projects
- Research Projects
- Trail Maintenance
- Restoration of Historic Buildings
- Construction, painting, site cleanup
- Administrative Assistance
- Artist in Residence Cabin Maintenance
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Inspections
- Visitor Assistance