AIR (Artist in Residence Cabin)

In 2018 Glacier National Park asked if the GNPVA Board of Directors would be interested in assuming the responsibilities of general maintenance along with the annual opening in the spring and shutdown and winterizing in the fall of the AIR (Artist-in-Residence) cabin on the shores of Lake McDonald. The GNPVA board members in consultation with Park Staff perform the spring opening and cleaning of the cabin before the arrival of the first artist in July. The GNPVA board assists after the last artist leaves in September to close the cabin and perform winter monitoring for rodent control and structure integrity monitoring. This project has been a very rewarding one for our organization as well as a valuable volunteer resource contribution to the park.
After an initial assessment with park staff the GNPVA members hit the floors with mops, pails, brooms along with paintbrushes, the expertise of rustic interior decorator eyes and senior muscle power to give the cabin some long overdue freshening up under the supervision of park personnel. In addition to general maintenance and the replacement of some tattered linens a well used dining table and chairs was replaced with one in much better condition and historically compatible with the cabin.
The artists selected for June, July and September each year are given rent-free use of this furnished cabin on the shores of Lake McDonald.
“The Artist-in-Residence Program at Glacier National Park offers artists the opportunity to pursue their artistic discipline while being surrounded by the park’s inspiring landscape. The program seeks professional artists whose work is related to the park’s interpretative themes, supports the mission of the National Park Service and conservation of these public lands.”
“Mission of the National Park Service:
The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.”
“The Glacier National Park Artist-in-Residence program offers professional artists four weeks of focused time to creatively explore the natural and cultural resources of this astounding landscape while pursuing their artistic goals. It also allows artists the opportunity to share their work with an international audience through educational programs and exhibits. The Artist-in-Residence program continues a long history of Arts in the Parks.”