GNPVA - News and Announcements
July 3rd, 2019, GNPVA volunteers continue work on the Grisley cabin along with Park personnel. Last week we got a chance to wear our new vests identifying us as GNPVA volunteers. So if you see us out and about stop to say hello and ask any questions you might have about us as Park partners.
(Read More)GNPVA, along with the Schubert family from Portland, Oregon, has been funding a summer backcountry ranger intern in Glacier National Park since 1996. This year, a second intern, a Winter Wilderness Intern, has been added, fully funded by the Schubert’s.
(Read More)Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates annual Volunteer Day on May 18th, 2019. We will meet at the Community Building in West Glacier, look for signs just before the entrance station in West Glacier. Everyone is invited to attend, members and non-members alike.
(Read More)GNPVA volunteers did some prep work on the Artist In Residence cabin this week in anticipation of work to be done on volunteer day, Saturday, May 8th. Are you going to be there?
(Read More)GNPVA closed out our 2019 speakers series with “Rebuilding Sperry – A Builder’s Perspective”
(Read More)2019 WINTER SPEAKER SERIES: The annual Winter Speaker Series, a tradition in the Flathead Valley for decades, is sponsored by Glacier National Park Volunteer Associates (GNPVA). Each 4th Monday of January, February, and March a guest speaker presents subjects of interest related to Glacier National Park (GNP). The talks are free and open to the general public.
(Read More)October 24th, 2018, several GNPVA members attended a retirement get together for Jack Polzin, Glacier National Park, Special Projects Manager in charge of historic building restoration and maintenance.
(Read More)GNPVA is partnering with the Northwest Montana Chapter Forest Fire Lookout Association
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